Intra Zone Forwarding

A new feature, intra zone forwarding, is coming to firewalld. This feature allows packets to freely forward between interfaces or sources with in a zone.

Why is it needed?

One axiom of zone based firewalls is that traffic with in a zone can flow from interface (or source) to interface (or source). The zone specifies the trust level of all those interfaces and sources. If they have the same trust level then they can communicate unencumbered. Firewalld has lacked this functionality until now.

What does it look like?

This feature does not bring many CLI additions; only a couple knobs to enable or disable it for the zone.

Let’s say we have our home zone with two interfaces: dummy1, and dummy2

# firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-interface=dummy1 --add-interface=dummy2

Now let’s enable intra zone forwarding.

# firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-forward

This results in the following nftables rules being added to the zone.

table inet firewalld {
    chain filter_FWDI_home_allow {
        oifname "dummy1" accept
        oifname "dummy2" accept

The rules say: if the packet is destined to the any interface in the zone home then go ahead and accept it.

If we were to add another interface or source to the home zone then we will see it show up in the ruleset as well.

# firewall-cmd --zone=home --add-source

And the result:

table inet firewalld {
    chain filter_FWDI_home_allow {
        oifname "dummy1" accept
        oifname "dummy2" accept
        ip daddr accept

Doesn’t this already happen?

Some zones use a --set-target of ACCEPT. Those zones immediately accept all forwarded traffic. As such, the new --add-forward option has no effect for them.

For all others --set-target values forwarded traffic is dropped by default. This includes all stock zones except trusted.


When enabled in the default zone, intra zone forwarding can only be applied to the interfaces and sources that have been explicitly added to the current default zone. It can not use a catch-all for all outgoing interfaces as this would allow packets to forward to an interface or source assigned to a different zone.

Default value

By default, all currently shipped zone definitions and user created zones have forward disabled. This is done as to not introduce any surprising behavioral changes.

In the future this may change. It may make sense to enable by default in at least these zones: internal, home, and work.

Contributed By

This feature was initially contributed by github user @danc86 in pull request #586.